LEADON VALE CUCLE CLUB RIDE 500 Sunday 16th June 2024.
Ride 500, 12 years in the making but it was here, and throughout those 12 years we haven’t changed much, in the way of ride format I think we got it pretty right from the start, but we have changed as cyclists, we have become stronger, more resilient and more tolerant of things and the way we cope with them, and all through our Journey supported by a strong committee.
Todays rides were a group of personal favourites of mine and after hours of deliberating over what to do to celebrate this milestone I decided no better way than to just enjoy a great ride and a bit of cake.
What a joy to be joined by 20 of you for this ride, which makes all the organising well worth it, and with so many out I was glad we split into 4 groups, the Sporty led away then the Advanced which would split into 2 groups and the intermediate.
Ken, Doc, Chris and myself set out last from the club on the intermediate following the 417 to Old Pike where we turned down Sladbrook into Forge lane to Middletown lane, hooks lane to Newent where Chris said goodbye leaving the same trip as last week to push on through Newent up watery lane to the Conigree lane and the drag up and over to the Kilcot, Ken seemed to have a bit of satillite problems we didn’t know if it was his past catching up with him or just a Garmin issue so we stopped in Aston Ingham for him to reset it. Now Barrel lane a little overgrown but still as nice as ever climbing then dropping down to the A40 and into Church lane Longhope, the chat this week ranged from elections to spies but all done with a good sense of fun. Velthouse lane another beautiful lane looking so different to the winter rides now the hedges are full and the roadsides overhanging but the sun shone on us through to Huntley passing the cricket ground where we had a hard day yesterday. Tibberton lane from Huntley was quiet until a tractor and trailer came round the corner meaning we almost took to the ditch to avoid him, you could smell the fear at this time, but the farmer smiled Ken said laughed but I’m sure it was a smile as he slowly passed and we were just recovering from that when the Sporty Advanced rode through us Wayne pulling the train along with great speed. It was in Tibberton that we caught a glimpse of Gill, Aileen and Di but took us to the main rd to catch them so we rode up to Highleadon with them, then pushed on to home where thankfully the advanced party had the kettle on and the tea made. The club was full as we waited for everyone to get home before a few words and a bit of cake to celebrate this milestone. Peter also said a few words and presented Steve and myself with a medal to celebrate organising 500 rides.
I think Alan took a photo of Wayne and myself the only 2 from the original photo riding today.
What a club, thank you all for making this possible and I’m already looking forward to the next 500.
Next week Peters away day, something a bit different so please join us if you can.
Maggie asked me to inform you of the Tuesday pie ride, Chris had devised a route including a stop at a pie shop for lunch. Starting from Croome Court at 10.am. Please join them if you can but David you might need to take your own.
Thanks again.
Yellow leader.